
It's time I leave this server

Posted by M.P. | August 31 2018

This message is now mainly aimed at you, Shaderu. You are a despicable and vile person and I decided that before I leave this online community that I will address some things that you did to my previous channel and what you said to mob yesterday, which was absolutely uncalled for. You have lost any respect that I ever had for you.

Also before I continue, I know you will try to paint a bad image of me with whatever screenshots you took. I know you will try to do many things to make me look bad, but to those that know me well, you know that I have reasons for everything I do, especially making my previous channel intolerable to explicit content and vulgar comments.

Over the past couple years I have noticed your despicable behaviour only get worse and you can refute this as much as you like but I know what I have seen. You are disgrace to humanity and a disgrace to Islam itself. You have absolutely no moral compass. And because of what you have said yesterday and in the past, you led me to indulge in a fair amount of stress that my doctor told me to do my best not to experience, so I will do that by leaving this toxic community that you run. I hope you realise how much of pain you are to people and that you change.