
It's time I leave this server

Posted by M.P. | August 31 2018

This message is now mainly aimed at you, Shaderu. You are a despicable and vile person and I decided that before I leave this online community that I will address some things that you did to my previous channel and what you said to mob yesterday, which was absolutely uncalled for. You have lost any respect that I ever had for you.

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A Heart-Wrenching Goodbye

Posted by A.V. | November 20 2021

I just wanna say
Hope you guys are doing ok
And I'm so sorry for everything else, I did fucked up a lot, and my past isn't my excuse, no matter how much I wanna change, my past never let me, I understand you people tried your best to add me back, but I couldn't bring myself to face you all, just because of my ignorance.

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Cringe Gallery

Posted by M.E. | December 07 2022

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame equivalent for cringe. Only the most embarrasing of people, posts and/or comments can hope to be represented here.

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